2022 - present
I've designed over 100 backgrounds for Wicked Brick display cases since joining as a Creative Artworker in 2022. Wicked Brick is known for their premium display cases for a range of collectables including Hot Toys, LEGO and Funko. Bespoke cases and backgrounds are designed for each product.
Every product is different and requires research and concepts before developing the final design and each product requires a specific style to match the theme or specific franchise like Star Wars, Harry Potter or Marvel.
I work in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, mostly using images from Adobe Stock, I collect many different assets and use Photoshop tools and adjustments to blend them together, creating seamless images to create full scenes to bring the display to life.
Before I begin every artwork I prepare concept boards of my ideas and any imagery I might want to include. This process helps me explore as many areas of creativity as possible before refining the design for the display.
I've had the opportunity to work on some brilliant limited editions, showcasing our unique creativity and UV printing techniques.
Some of my favourite limited edition products I have produced are:
LEGO Concorde, the first base printed product we have released showcasing a realistic tabletop display of historical items and memorabilia, paying homage to the set.
LEGO Walt Disney Tribute Camera is an innovative, bespoke display, taking inspiration from the original cell frames from the first Disney motion pictures in history. This set has a secret feature, when light shines through the panels they reveal the background in full colour.
All images from www.wickedbrick.com